Kikis Delivery Service (1989) Hindi Dubbed Movie Download, Kikis Delivery Service (1989) Hindi Dubbed Movie Watch Online, Kikis Delivery Service Hindi Dubbed Download. More Movies Here.
Kikis Delivery Service (1989) Hindi Info
Movie: Kikis Delivery Service
IMDB Rating: 7.9
Duration: 1h 43min
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Drama
Release Date: 20 December 1990 (USA)
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Film Stars: Kirsten Dunst, Minami Takayama, Rei Sakuma
Language: Hindi-English-Japanese
Quality/Size: Bluray 480p [333MB] | 720p [1GB]
As is traditional for trainee witches, thirteen-year-old Kiki leaves home with her black cat named Jiji, with whom she talks. She flies on her broomstick to the port city of Koriko. While searching for somewhere to live, Kiki is pursued by Tombo, a geeky boy obsessed with aviation who admires her flying ability.
In exchange for accommodation, Kiki helps Osono, the kindly and heavily pregnant owner of a bakery. She opens a “Witch Delivery Business”, delivering goods by broomstick. Her first delivery goes badly; she is caught in a gust of wind and drops the black cat toy she is supposed to deliver. Jiji pretends to be the toy at the recipient’s house while Kiki searches for the toy. She finds it in the home of a young painter, Ursula, who mends and returns it to Kiki so she can complete the delivery and rescue Jiji.
Kiki accepts a party invitation from Tombo, but is delayed by her work and, exhausted, falls ill. When she recovers, Osono clandestinely arranges for Kiki to see Tombo again by assigning her a delivery addressed to him. After Kiki apologizes for missing the party, Tombo takes her for a test ride on the flying machine he is working on, fashioned from a bicycle. Kiki warms to Tombo but is put off by his friends’ teasing and walks home.